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Latin summer work


To help you prepare for your A Level Latin course we have included below links to a range of videos which touch upon the themes you are likely to explore during your two years of study.

The work

As a part of our set text in Year One we will read 224 Latin lines of Virgil's Aeneid (Book II) and about the same number of lines of Cicero's Pro Caelio.  A similar number of lines will be taught and learned in Year Two. We look forward to working together with you on the translation and analysis of these lines. 

There are five parts to the summer work. The requirements are detailed here and any online resources are available below:

Task 1: Gods in the Aeneid
Please, watch the video below and find out what Professor Stephen Harrison says about gods in Virgil's Aeneid. Who is his favourite god?

Who is your favourite god? Please, prepare a few lines about your favourite god (a Greek or Roman god - it is your choice) and bring your notes with you in your first lesson.

Task 2: Ovid, Metamorphoses
Please, listen to this little video about Ovid's Metamorphoses below and then do your own research and find out about one of the stories from Metamorphoses - a story about Apollo and Daphne.

Task 3: Livy
Another author whose texts we will read in Latin is Livy. Please watch ​the short video below to find out what Livy is writing about.

Task 4: AS Latin vocabulary list
Please, take a look at ​the vocabulary list below and count how many words you already know!

Task 5: Translation and grammar

A) Please translate this story about the musician Arion who was saved by a dolphin and got his revenge on those who had planned to kill him. Some parts of the text may be more difficult to translate than others. Please try your best and highlight difficult parts so that we may discuss them together.

 B) Find all the participles and infinitives in the text and write them down.

 You will find A story about Arion in the worksheet below. 

Digital resources

Below is a selection of digital resources that will help you to get prepared and ready to study A level ​​​Latin. 

Recommended course book

Book title




Digital version


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