Thanks for getting in touch. If you can't find the details you are looking for below, please contact us using the General enquiries contact details below, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. If you are looking for room bookings and venue hire please use the buttons below.
Hills Road Sixth Form College, Cambridge, CB2 8PE.
Call: +44 (0)1223 247251
Email: enquiries@hillsroad.ac.uk
If you live in Cambridgeshire you may be able to receive a discount for travelling to and from the College. The College's Bursary Fund can be used to cover the cost of travel for eligible students. Please use the button below for more information.
Information about subsidised bus transport has been revised recently. Please visit the Cambridgeshire County Council website where you will find details regarding entitlement to assistance and how to apply.
If you do not have access to the Internet and require a paper copy of the booklet, please contact the Social and Education Transport Team.
Click the Tiger bus pass button below for information about the Tiger bus pass, which offers bus fares for just £1 to under 25s.
Information about annual student bus passes is available on the Stagecoach website.
For transport issues, please deal directly with the County Council and the individual bus and rail operators.