You will find everything you need to make your sixth-form experience memorable, fulfilling and rewarding at Hills Road. Our study programmes include a wide range of A level courses together with an extensive and varied range of enrichment and extracurricular activities
Joining Hills will feel exciting – and possibly a little daunting. That’s why your tutor will be ready to welcome you from day one and will be your go-to person throughout your time at the College.
Your tutor will meet with you regularly, either in your tutor group or on a one-to-one basis, and they will be key to supporting you with your sixth-form experience and your onward plans. Your tutor will also be on hand to make sure that you are receiving the right level of help and guidance for your needs so that you can make the very best of your time at the College.
During your time at the College, we aim to support you to achieve the A level results you need while equipping you with vital personal development skills, and the Future Ready Programme is a core part of your Year 12 experience at the College. Delivered by your tutor, you will attend group sessions covering six core modules in Year 12, as well as the Extended Project Qualification and programme of Enrichment.
We encourage all students to become active members of our dynamic community. Being at sixth form is a brilliant opportunity to make a difference. You are encouraged to get involved by taking part in initiatives that empower you to build strong communities, participate in activities for social change, and fundraise to support the wider community through social action.
Every Year 12 student can stand for election to join the Student Council. The Council is a group of 10 elected students who work as a team to improve the College community and represent students to Hills Road’s management and outside observers. This is a great role if you are passionate about your sixth-form experience and would like to contribute to the decisions being made by the College.