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Virtual guidance meetings

Virtual guidance meetings

If you are invited to a virtual guidance meeting with us, then we expect you may have lots of questions. ​Don't worry! We have tried to include as many of the questions we usually get asked, to help you prepare.

The purpose of a guidance meeting at Hills Road

Guidance meetings are offered to help you decide on the subject choices and to make sure that if you have future plans, you are applying for relevant subjects. We're not here to assess you. 

When you meet ​​the member of the College staff ​who is hosting your meeting, you will find that they want to talk to you about the subjects you have chosen, and why. They will also want to hear about what you want to do after your A levels, but don't worry if you're not sure, we meet hundreds of students ​who ​are ​​unclear about their future ambitions.

We have included some information below to help you get ready for your meeting and ease any concerns you may have.

Our guidance meetings will take place between 29 January and 9 February 2024.

Is it compulsory to attend a guidance meeting?

No. You do not have to book a guidance meeting, but we highly recommend that you do. You will learn more about the College and you will have the opportunity to ask questions to a member of staff.

If you decide not to ​book a session, you must complete your course confirmation form, a link will be emailed to you along with the deadline for completion.

Before your guidance meeting

Booking links will be emailed ​to applicants invited to a guidance meeting. The Teams links ​for your meeting will be emailed to you no later than 24 hours before your ​session is due to start.

During your meeting

You will be sent a Microsoft Teams link that you will need to click on just before the time of your virtual meeting, and you will wait in the lobby until the member of staff hosting your meeting admits you.

They will ask you a few questions about the information you have provided in your application form, and will discuss your subject choices and progression plans with you.

Your host will also ​talk to you about the Extended Project Qualification; our programme of Enrichment that all Year 12s take and ​they will share information about ​The Future Ready Programme and the role of your tutor.

After your guidance meeting

For your application to progress, you must confirm your subject choices after your guidance meeting.

You will be sent a link to an online course confirmation form after your meeting. The purpose of the form is for you to confirm which subjects you would like to take, in priority order, as you may have changed your mind following your discussion ​with our member of staff.

You must complete this form within 48 hours of your meeting.

If, for any reason, you do not receive an email please contact the admissions team. Please avoid phoning, your email will be actioned by the admissions team once it has been received.

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