Exams certificates - students taking exams
Exams Centre

Exam certificates

Exam certificates

Examination certificates are valuable documents as they are the official legal record and should be looked after carefully.

We are unable to provide replacement exam certificates. Awarding bodies have information on their websites about obtaining a certifying statement of results should you lose your certificate. They will charge a fee. Please use the button below if you are unsure about which exam board to contact.

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Postage requests

Requests are open for unclaimed certificates from 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23.

If you have unclaimed certificates from these academic years, please use the link below to apply. We will send your certificates within 28 days (this may be slightly longer if requested in the summer holidays). There is a charge for this service (see form for details) and a signature will be required on receipt. If you have a sibling who is a current student with us please email us, as they may collect on your behalf. We no longer hold certificates for any years prior to those listed above.

Certificates for qualifications achieved in Summer and November 2023 have been posted to the address we hold on file for 2023 leavers.

June 2024 certificates

Certificates for qualifications achieved in June 2024 are expected to be received from the exam boards in mid-November and will be posted in batches throughout November and December to the address we hold on file for candidates. You do not need to request postage. Please inform us if your permanent home address has changed.

Postage form for certificates

Complete this form

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