Beth Agnes wins illustration cover competition!

Congratulations to Bethanie Agnes for being chosen as the winner of the Apprenticeship Guide’s front cover competition.

Well done Bethanie!

Congratulations to Bethanie Agnes for being chosen as the winner of the Apprenticeship Guide’s front cover competition!

Bethanie’s illustration and overall talent really impressed the judges, particularly for such a young artist.

The design will be put onto the front cover artwork for the upcoming guide.

Through winning this competition both Beth and Hills Road will receive some fantastic prizes! Beth will receive a £50 Amazon voucher, while the College’s nominated school contact will collect ten complimentary copies of the 2024/2025 Apprenticeship Guide.

Big congratulations on to Beth. It's a fantastic piece of art and they (and we) are thrilled that it will be gracing the cover of the Apprenticeship Guide, and heading to 4,000+ schools and colleges across England when it goes to print in September.

Eleanor Keeble, Art Technician