Georgia Pescod is a Year 13 Hills Road student with a unique talent: she is a qualified private pilot!
Georgia Pescod is a Year 13 Hills Road student with a unique talent: she is a qualified private pilot! Accessing flying through an aviation program called the ATTAGIRLS Molly Rose Pilot Scholarship, Georgia has completed her training in the minimum allowed hours, and is now looking to the horizon for her next challenge.
The scholarship is the only one of its kind in the UK, and it fully funds young women in their endeavours to achieve their Private Pilot’s License. It was created by Aetheris Films, makers of ATTAGIRLS (the true story of young female pilots of the Air Transport Auxiliar), and is funded by Marshall of Cambridge and the British Women Pilots’ Association.
We spoke to Georgia about her experiences in the air, and on the ground, and asked her how she began this wonderful, exciting and inspiring journey:
‘I’ve lived next to Cambridge airport my entire life and was always fascinated by the aircraft that would fly over. My family would often go to Duxford air show as well and I loved looking at all the different planes. When I was 12, I joined the Royal Air Force Air Cadets and was able to take part in many aviation related activities including going flying!