Hills Road Café relaunch

We’re so excited to announce the relaunch of the Hills Café, which will occur on 4 January 2024.

Claire serving food!

The Hills Café is going cashless!

We’re so excited to announce the relaunch of the Hills Café, which will occur on 4 January 2024.

At this time, the College will end its contract with its current catering supplier and make a dramatic shift to running the café in-house!

Our current catering manager, Claire Duell, and her fantastic team will continue to run the café and engage with our students.

The Hills Café will focus on produce that is locally sourced, healthy and environmentally sustainable. The space will continue to be a social and friendly environment, which in recent years has made it the heart of the College’s campus.

The Café will also modernise its approach to payments by becoming a cashless facility upon its re-launch. Students should make sure to bring in cards or put money in their wise-pay account to purchase their food!

We can’t wait to see the innovative meals and delicacies that the College’s catering team produces. This is an impressive step forward and one that we are all excited to see develop.