A Level

English Language and Literature

  • Course type

    Level 3

  • Awarding Body


  • Duration

    2 years

Introduction to English Language and Literature

What does a writer’s use of metaphor or alliteration add to the meaning of a text? How does the speech in a novel differ from everyday conversation? How does a news story manipulate your reaction to the events it describes? Do you ever ask yourself these questions? If so, English Language and Literature is a course you will enjoy.

Entry requirements

  • Subject grades

    GCSE grade 6 in English Language and 6 in English Literature.

  • Required Admissions Score

    The indicative Minimum Entry Admissions Score for​ English Language and Literature is 58.

Watch our English Language and Literature video

About the Course

English Language and Literature is a course that will allow you to study a diverse range of writers while learning how to craft your own unique writing. You will learn how to become an expert reader equipped with a clear linguistic focus helping you develop your interpretive and analytical skills. You will study modern fiction, poetry and drama.

There is also a fascinating collection of writing, including journalism, screenplays, podcasts, speeches and reportage as some of the genres included in the Voices anthology. Coursework gives you the opportunity to write your own original pieces inspired by texts on our reading list.

2023 English Language and Literature A level results


26% of our students achieved A* to A


77% of our students achieved A* to B 


100% of our students achieved A* to E

Course information

English Language ​& Literature is an ideal subject if you like analysing and exploring how meanings are shaped in written and spoken texts. We consider how writers achieve the impact they have on an audience by looking at their methods and techniques. If you enjoy creative writing, you will also have a chance to put into practice skills you have learnt from stimulus texts. You will have the opportunity to experiment with approaches and genres you have not explored before.

The subject is a good choice for students who enjoy examining a writer’s intentions and how context affects what we write. You will become alert to how writers influence their audiences. English is about effective communication and you will enjoy this subject if you like sharing your ideas and your interpretations on a wide range of texts in classroom discussion.

Want to find out more about your core A level programme?

Future Ready Programme

Hear from our students

The classroom dynamic is amazing - everyone is as passionate about the subject as you are, and I've never had a bored moment, be it studying Maya Angelou or the Great Gatsby

Oliver, Year 12 student

Quick facts


159 year 12 and 13 students take English Language and Literature

4 hrs 20 mins

4 hours and 20 minutes of weekly in-class learning time

5 hrs

Students are expected to undertake 5 hours of homework for each subject, every week